Stand Up and Be Counted

This Shabbat we begin the Book of במדבר, which is also known as חומש הפקודים, the Bible of Counting. This is why במדבר is called, “Numbers” in English.

Several times after the exodus from Egypt, are the Jewish people counted. The reason why Hashem asks for this counting, is because of His deep affection for the Jewish people.

Generally, we count things that are of value, as each unit is significant. There is even a section in יורה דעה that deals with Kashrut laws, that puts דבר שבמניין in a special category.

Normally the rule regarding a sixty to one ratio is enough to nullify that which is forbidden. However, it is something of such importance that it is counted, it is not nullified even if it is at a ratio of a thousand to one.

We are to see ourselves as significant enough to stand up and be counted. As Shavuot approaches, we are to reflect on how we can contribute our utmost on behalf of the Jewish people.


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