Kiddush Hashem
At this time, people greet one another with חורף טוב, or, have a nice winter. We started משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם today and now that the holidays are behind us, it's time to implement new year's resolutions.The Rambam, in his introduction to ספר המצוות, devotes a chapter to the study of חילול ה׳ and קידוש ה׳. He views the desecration of Hashem's name as one of the more grievous sins. The sanctification of Hashem's name is likewise, a way to glorify G-d.Perhaps this should be our focus during the coming year. In every situation that we are in, we are to be certain that we are acting in a way that makes Hashem look good.The Rambam concludes this chapter by pointing out that one who speaks nicely to people, and his business dealings are always honest, and is always seen engaged in Torah study, and always acting beyond the letter of the law-such a person sanctifies G-d. He fulfills the words of Isaiah 49:3: "And He said to me: You are my servant-Israel, in whom I glory."