פרו ורבו

This year's commentary that I will be focusing on in better understanding the weekly Parsha is called שני לוחות הברית. It was written by Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz of Prague in the late sixteenth century or early seventeenth century. Like the Alshich, it is based very much on Kabbalah.The majority of his comments on Parshat Beteishit is centered on the Mitzva of פרו ורבו. Apparently, according to Kabbalah and the Talmud, it is a very grievous sin for one not to try to fulfill this commandment of procreation. It was Hashem's intention that the earth be inhabited. If everyone decided not to be engaged in this Mitzva, the world would cease to exist.The Rabbis say, עיקר תולדותיהם של צדיקים מעשים טובים, the main "descendants" of צדיקים are their good deeds. The use of the word תולדותיהם hints that every צדיק is to see to it that he has descendants to carry on the lifestyle that he perfected.Aside from this, nothing is more sacred and precious than bringing children into the world. It is our job to instill them with proper values and Midot. This is how we fulfill the Mitzva of פרו ורבו.


Sin in Garden of Eden


Kiddush Hashem