קנאה תאוה כבוד
The של״ה הקודש divides the players in the קרח rebellion into three parts with three different motivations. Korach was driven by קנאה, jealousy. He felt that he was deserving of Aharon's position which caused him to make fun of the Mitzvot.
Datan and Aviram, were among the few individuals who were childless in Egypt. This was when most families were having multiple births. This contributed to their greediness or תאוה. They joined the rebellion because they were desirous of personal gain.
The 250 men that joined Korach were motivated by כבוד, honor. They wanted the glory of being able to offer incense similar to Nadav and Avihu. They were seeking a certain spiritual high but they were unauthorized to do so.
Only Korach and Datan and Aviram were swallowed up by the earth. The 250 were burned to death like Aharon's two sons.
Behind all of this we see the statement of the Mishna proven true. That is, קנאה, תאוה, כבוד, מוציאים את האדם מן העולם, jealousy, lust, and honor, remove a person from the world. Shabbat Shalom