Shavua Tov. Korach tried to undermine Moshe Rabbeinu by taking various laws in the Torah and showing their foolishness. An important lesson is to be learned from this.
It appears that Hashem intended for us to observe specific Mitzvot that do seem illogical or not to make sense according to our intellect. He wanted to teach us the importance of הכנעה, or surrender.
Unlike Greek culture that believes there is great power in one's intellect, Judaism emphasizes that we must be constantly aware of our dependence on Hashem. We must also be aware of our own vulnerability. We may have the greatest plans, but they will not come to fruition if Hashem doesn't want them to.
It's easy to laugh and make fun of our system of laws and customs. And it is far more difficult to observe them. However, if we are able to submit with הכנעה, we will be elevated spiritually as we show that our dependence is on G-d and not man.
We have another day of Rosh Chodesh. Chodesh Tov.