Other Deviants
Continuing with the subject of those who lose their share of Olam Haba, there are three others that the Rambam enumerates. They are: מגלה פנים בתורה, the מוסר, and מטילי אימה על הציבור.
The מגלה פנים בתורה refers to one who does עבירות with no shame. He reveals himself as having no reverence for the Torah. He is like King Yehoyakim who similarly did gross acts of disrespect towards Hashem and the Torah.
The מוסר is a traitor. There are two kinds of מוסר. One hands over a Jew to a non-Jewish court to stand trial. (It is not believed he will get a fair trial.) The second type of מוסר hands over Jewish property to non-Jews.
The third group that loses its share of Olam Haba, are the מטילי אימה על הציבור. These are people who misuse their position of authority. They needlessly put fear into the community and it is not לשם שמים. They are only interested in their own honor and glory. These are considered very severe for which תשובה is difficult.
We must constantly work on ourselves to avoid all negative personality traits.