Breaking Bad Habits

One of my favorite quotes is from Rav Yisrael Salanter. He said, "The loudest sound in the world, is the sound of a bad habit breaking!

The Rambam also speaks of the danger in doing even minor sins habitually. Unless a person does Teshuva, he also could lose his share of Olam Haba.

Some of these minor infractions done on a regular basis are: Calling a person by a nickname ( even if he doesn't mind,) embarrassing someone in public, getting honor at someone else's expense, treating one's rabbis and Torah scholars in a demeaning way, and not showing proper respect for Chol Hamoed, by treating more in a profane manner rather than in a holy manner.

The Rambam recommends some serious soul searching for habitual violators of these sins mentioned. We must not despair for there is always room for Teshuva.


Walk in His Ways


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