לא תעמוד על דם רעך

This week we read אחרי מות-קדושים in Israel. There are numerous laws in these two Parshas. The Pasuk that sticks out today on יום העצמאות is לא תעמוד על דם רעך, that one may not stand by his brother’s blood.

Rabbi Soloveitchik wrote that both he and other American Jews were guilty of violating this Pasuk during the Holocaust. He felt that they should have done much more.

One of the glaring outstanding characteristics of the State of Israel, is the concern for every Jew all over the world. Israel has become the watchdog for the Jewish people. Israel does not stand by and protects.

The Israeli army is another example of not standing by one’s brother’s blood. There is unbelievable unity. Each soldier looks after his brother regardless of his background.

There are so many reasons why we salute Israel and give thanks to Hashem for this wonderful gift. Caring for one another is one of them. חג עצמאות שמח


Shabbat- A Taste if the World to Come


יום הזכרון