Shabbat- A Taste if the World to Come
Shavua Tov. Rabbi Soloveitchik points out that the Pasuk in קדושים says ואת שבתותי תשמורו, to keep My Shabbats in the plural. There is a שבת עילאי and שבת תתאי, a heavenly Shabbat and earthly Shabbat.
The Rav explains that Shabbat is so lofty that the sin of Adam does not apply on Shabbat. There is no hard labor with no endless uninterrupted work. There is temporarily no fear or worry about making a living, There is no competitiveness and no fear of our mortality. During Shabbat, all of this stop, It is truly a taste of עולם הבא. Hope you had a great Shabbat!