Torah Never Gets Old

There is a Pasuk quoted from Mishlei 23:22 in a Mishna in Brachot. It says, אל תבוז כי זקנה אמך, “Do not shame (her) although your mother be old.”

The Rabbis understood this verse to mean that one must not shame the elders of Israel, but must rather seek to follow their practices. We must rely on their teachings.

Shlomo Hamelech is giving sage advice that is so relevant today. We must never discard the knowledge and experience of the older generation. Similarly, it is a horrible transgression to ever even imply that the Torah and its teachings are outdated and no longer relevant.

Truth can never get outdated. It is everlasting and permanent. Torah is the ultimate truth as are the teachings of our saintly sages.


זכות אבות


Betuel’s Poison