זכות אבות

Mishlei has another Pasuk that is a good introduction to פרשת תולדות. “The crown of elders is grandchildren, and the glory of children, is their parents.”

Shlomo Hamelech is telling us that children are a crown and give honor to their parents. This could refer to Avraham Avinu. It was in his merit that תרח had merits and was saved.

The Avot, the elders, are an adornment to their children and grandchildren when they are צדיקים, righteous.This is especially true when they follow in the ways of their saintly grandfather. Yitzchak and Yakov fulfilled this role beautifully.

This became a foundation of Judaism. The special merit acquired by the Patriarchs gave their descendants זכות אבות.

This special merit of זכות אבות allowed us to overcome numerous enemies wishing to destroy us throughout our history.

It is the hope of every Jewish parent that their children follow in the ways of their parents and ancestors in upholding our Torah and Mitzvot.


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