Yakov’s Dream

Yakov’s dream of the ladder is filled with depth and mysticism. It is possible to imagine having a dream of a ladder with angels going up and down. However, figuring out its message, is far more difficult.

Rabbeinu Bechaye says that this was a dream of prophecy where Yakov Avinu was given several messages. He was informed that his children would need to struggle with the four powerful empires of Babylonia, Persia, Greece, and Rome. The Galut would be a difficult challenge but in the end, the Redemption will come.

Yakov was also shown מקדש של מעלה, the Heavenly Beit Hamikdash that was to be opposite the future Temple to be built in Yerushalayim.

And probably the most reassuring vision that Yakov had was that his children would multiply like the sand by the sea. The knowledge that the Jewish people would prevail, allowed Yakov to wake up reassured and full of hope.

We, too, must never despair. Hashem is with us and if we trust in Him, we will prevail. Shabbat Shalom


נדר ומידת ההסתפקות


יושר and בוגד