נדר ומידת ההסתפקות

Shavua Tov. When Yakov began his journey to both run away from Eisav and look for a wife, he made a נדר, a vow.

Generally, it is preferred that one not be in the habit of making vows. However, Chazal say נודרים בעת צרתן, that one can vow in times of trouble. Sometimes the vow shows the severity of the situation and the one making the vow takes upon himself an extra Mitzva to show his dependence on Hashem.

Yakov did exactly that. He offered to give a tenth of all he has to Hashem in return for Hashem’s protection.

He asked for the minimum; לחם לאכול ובגד ללבוש, bread to eat and clothing to wear. Yakov taught us מידת ההסתפקות, the quality of being satisfied with whatever Hashem sends our way.

We learn from this incident about the nature of vows and learning to appreciate what we have.


Three Keys


Yakov’s Dream