ואנוכי לא ידעתי

Rav Shlomo Mann, זצ״ל, brings an interesting interpretation to the Pasuk where Yakov acknowledges that Hashem is in that place and he didn’t even realize. The Torah uses the words, ואנכי לא ידעתי, “And I did not know.”

Rav Mann points out that the conceited individual is very much despised by Hashem. The word, אנוכי, can also be interpreted as one who is selfish, or full of himself.

In terms of understanding what Yakov meant, it can be explained depending on where we place the punctuation. If we first write ואנוכי לא, and then ידעתי, it would mean that if one views himself as לא, insignificant, then he will ידעתי, know that he is in a holy place.

But if we punctuate it as first ואנוכי, that it’s all about me, then it will be followed with לא ידעתי, he will not know that he is in a holy place.

Only the truly humble are able to perceive the spiritual and holy. The haughty are too full of themselves to be able to see anything but themselves.


עשר תעשרנו


Unable to be Comforted