עשר תעשרנו
Rav Shlomo Mann זצ״ל commented on Yakov Avinu’s words, אשר תתן לי עשר אעשרנו לך, that he told Hashem that he will give ten per cent of all that Hashem gives him.
Rav Mann says that Yakov was teaching the importance of הכרת הטוב, recognizing the good that was done for him. One must always remember that as soon as he receives a wage or reward, he must immediately think of helping the poor and downtrodden. He must never think that he has received what he deserves.
Yakov is teaching the importance of being appreciative for all that one has done for him. If one’s wife goes to the trouble of preparing a nice meal, the husband should show appreciation and say thank you.
We learn this from Yakov Avinu. He is promising Hashem that from whatever he receives, he will share with others. This is הכרת הטוב.