Yakov’s Concerns
Shavua Tov. Another well known statement connected with today’s Parsha, are the words, “שמא יגרום החטא”. These words were uttered by Yakov Avinu in explanation as to why he was so afraid of his confrontation with Eisav.
These words express that Yakov was afraid that he lost his rights to Hashem’s promise of protection, because perhaps somewhere along the way, he was afraid that he may have sinned. He thought that such a sin could remove his merits,
The Netivot Shalom has a different understanding of Yakov’s concerns. He claims that Yakov was never at peace with himself for the scheme he and his mother did in taking away the Bracha from Eisav. He lived with constant doubt as to whether he did the right thing or not. And he was now concerned that his confrontation with Eisav was where this act of deception might really cost him.
Ironically, the Netivot Shalom explained that had Yakov received the Bracha directly from Yitzchak, the Jews would never have gone into exile.
Yakov’s fears were unfounded. Hashem had a much bigger plan for the Jewish people.