ויבוא יעקב שלם
After Yakov wrestled with the angel, he traveled in the direction of the city of Shechem. The Torah says that Yakov arrived שלם, complete, to Shechem.
Rashi comments on the word, שלם, complete. He was שלם בגופו, שלם בממונו, שלם בתורתו. He was complete בגופו, in body, in that he was now cured from his injury sustained in his wrestling match. He was שלם בממונו, with his property, in that he was still solid even after giving Eisav a very generous gift. And he was שלם בתורתו, in that he did not forget any of his Torah during the whole time he was with Lavan.
This is certainly the goal for all of us facing various challenges in life. We would hope to remain strong physically, financially, and still have our Torah study intact.