יד הגדולה-יד חזקה
The Netivot Shalom makes an interesting observation about the incident of קריעת ים סוף. He noted that numerous times in the Torah we have the phrase יד חזקה וזרוע נטויה, a strong hand and outstretched arm. The wording changes, however, by the splitting of the Red Sea where it is written היד הגדולה, the great arm of Hashem. The Netivot Shalom goes on to explain the reason for the difference in wording. There never was an incident like that of קריעת ים סוף. The entire nation was elevated to a level of התגלות, or revelation, where they witnessed the יד הגדולה, the great arm of Hashem. Our Rabbis tell us that the simple שפחה על הים, maidservant by the sea, saw more than the great prophet, יחזקאל בן בוזי. They were on such a high level of prophecy that they saw Hashem as a warrior, fighting on their behalf. For this reason, it was more appropriate for the Torah to use the words, היד הגדולה, rather than היד החזקה.