Faith and Shira
The Netivot Shalom discusses the special aspect of serving Hashem by way of שירה, song. The Jewish people at the Red Sea were the first to sing שירה. This is a bit strange as there were already several instances where שירה would have been in order. Avraham could have sung Shira both when he came out of the fiery furnace unscathed, and when he was spared of not having to sacrifice his son. Yitzchak had his ordeals with Avimelech, and Yakov had to overcome Eisav and Lavan. Yet, none sang Shira. It is told that חזקיהו המלך could have been Mashiach had he only sung שירה to Hashem. The answer to this perplexity is that Shira represents a very high level of אמונה, faith. There is a direct correlation between faith and Shira. The Torah tells us ויאמינו בה׳ ובמשה עבדו, that they believed in Hashem and his servant, Moshe. This is immediately followed by אז ישיר, and then they erupted in song. This is an indication of the high level the Jewish people were elevated to at ים סוף. This is a level to strive towards. When we see Hashem’s loving hand guiding and protecting us, we should constantly feel joyous and full of Shira.