Men of Distinction

It is always interesting how the weekly Parsha relates to current events. It struck me that Yitro’s description of the qualities of those taking public positions might be a tad different from those currently running for office. There are four qualities required for one to be a leader in Israel. First, he needs to fit the description of אנשי חיל, men of valor. The Mechilta calls them, בעלי הבטחה, people who keep their word and a promise is a promise. The second quality is יראי אלוקים, G-d fearing people, who are eager to find ways to פשרה, compromise. (Just like Avigdor Lieberman!) The third quality is that they be אנשי אמת, men of truth. Rashi says that these are men who gain the confidence of the masses, where people believe that they can be relied upon. And the final quality is שונאי בצע, that שונאים ממונם בדין, that they hate their own money in court. This means that they are of such a high moral standard, that they cannot be bribed, and they are not influenced by money. Wouldn’t it be nice if all those running for office, followed the criteria for leadership of Moshe’s father in-law, Yitro!


Parshat Shekalim


Baruch Hashem