Parshat Shekalim

This week’s Parsha is משפטים as well as פרשת שקלים. When we arrive at Parshat Shekalim, we are beginning the period of the Chagim and it signals that winter and its darkness is ending, and the light of spring is near, with hopes for joy and redemption. Many connect Shekalim with Purim as Haman offered Achashveirosh 10,000 Shekalim for permission to annihilate the Jews. Nevertheless, the Mitzva to donate a half Shekel, had nothing to do with Purim. It was a Torah commandment that was to be observed every year at the beginning of the month of Adar. Tables were set up all over Israel designated for the collection of this half shekel. The monies that were collected were used for the maintenance of the Beit Hamikdash and for public sacrifices. This way the entire population had a share in these sacrifices. There was also a degree of accounting needed to be done by the גזבר, Temple treasurer. He needed to be certain that all of the previous year’s donations were used up before the end of Adar, and the new Shekalim would begin to be used when Nissan began. Parshat Shekalim is the first of four special Parshiot between now and Pesach. It is always encouraging when we discuss Temple service as it feels that we are close to performing such services again, with Hashem’s help.


Holiness of Civil Laws


Men of Distinction