Four Parshiot
The Netivot Shalom dedicates a section of his commentary on the ד׳ פרשיות, the four special Parshas that we began this past Shabbat. He points out that each of these four Parshas, reflect the observance of a particular Mitzva that is not applicable while we are in Galut, in the absence of a Beit Hamikdash. The half-shekel that we give before Purim is זכר למחצית השקל, to remember what was done in the Temple. The actual מחצית השקל was meant to be used for the Temple treasury. The commandment to remember Amalek does apply today. However, the actual elimination of Amalek will take place when there is a king in Israel. Parshat פרה was all about being cleansed of our impurities by way of the Red Heifer. This, too, will come about when we are ready to build the Third Temple. Parshat החודש, that is the commandment to sanctify the new month, applied only when there was a Sanhedrin. Once the Sanhedrin disbanded in the fourth century in Tiberias, a fixed calendar was created. The ultimate purpose of these special four Parshiot was to create a longing for the Geula. They are read on Shabbat, which is the day of דבקות, cleaving to Hashem. The reading of these Parshas, each with its own special Mitzva, is meant to elevate us and make us worthy of being able to actualize each of these four special Mitzvot.