Holiness of Civil Laws

Shavua Tov. The Netivot Shalom points out how the various civil laws of פרשת משפטים, are sandwiched between last week’s description of the revelation at Mount Sinai, and a continuation of what took place on הר סיני, at the end of today’s Parsha. The reason for this is to emphasize the holy nature of even the every day practical laws. Such things as being honest in business matters and treating the less fortunate with respect, might seem obvious to any caring society. However, when such laws are observed in the context of Torah from Sinai, they acquire an added sanctity. This is another proof of why the Rabbis say that Jews are capable of achieving holiness, while the Gentile is able to achieve righteousness. The Netivot Shalom goes further in explaining that every Jewish soul yearns to observe Mitzvot. It is essential that we be aware that just as the body has its needs for its sustenance, the soul also has needs to be fed its spiritual food. Everything is a matter of perspective. The perspective that we are to learn from משפטים, is to see the Kedusha in performing even the simple civil laws.


Four Parshiot


Parshat Shekalim