Kiddush for Women

There is an opinion that Kiddush that is said on Friday night is one of the few blessings that are commanded from the Torah. Everyone knows that ברכת המזון is from the Torah and some add the blessings recited in the morning before learning Torah, are also from the Torah. All other Brachot are from the Rabbis. Regarding Kiddush, it is learned from the words, זכור את יום השבת, “Remember the Shabbat day.” The Rabbis interpret this to mean, זכרהו על היין, remember it with wine. Based on this, they further add that those who are obligated with שמירה, observing Shabbat, are also commanded with זכירה, remembering Shabbat. From here we learn, that women have an equal obligation to hear Kiddush on Shabbat.




Judgement is Hashem’s