We learn from last week’s Parsha, the effectiveness of the שבועה, or oath, as an effective mechanism in settling disputes. The reason why this was so effective is that people did not want to make a שבועה. They understood the seriousness of swearing in Hashem’s name and the consequences of making a false oath. The mere threat of being told they would need to swear, was enough to make them come clean and admit the truth. This was often used when there was an argument regarding a loan that was due. One party claimed he was not paid back and the other insisted he did pay back the loan. If the lender swore he wasn’t paid back, he would be believed. Similarly, custodians, or שומרים, would have to swear if the article they were guarding was lost or stolen. This was referring to a שומר חינם, where he did not receive a wage. The Torah obligated him to swear that he was innocent of any wrongdoing. The שבועה worked when people were honest and they feared Hashem. I would like to think that people share those same convictions today. I hope so.