Special Holiness of Temple

The Netivot Shalom notes that the words, כאשר צוה ה׳ את משה, “As Hashem commanded Moshe, appears a total of eighteen times during the Parshiot related to construction of the Mishkan. This corresponds to the eighteen blessings of שמונה עשרה, and symbolizes the special bond between Hashem and the Jewish people. This bond was felt more strongly when there was a Mishkan or Temple in operation. We are further told that when Jews made their pilgrimage to Jerusalem for Pesach, Shavuot, and Succot, the Kohanim would carry the Shulchan with the Showbread to the entrance of the Heichal, for all to smell the still piping hot, fresh bread even after several days. The Kohanim would also open the curtains of the פרוכת so that visitors could get a glimpse of the כרובים, Cherubs, embracing on the Holy ark. These were further testimony of that special connection between G-d and the Jewish people, that was especially manifested in the Temple.


The Holy Ark


The Joy of Giving