The Joy of Giving
The Netivot Shalom comments on the Pasuk, ויקחו לי תרומה, “And take for Me an offering.” Instead of “take for Me”, it should have said, “And give to Me”. There is an important lesson to be learned here about the whole idea of giving and doing Chessed. When one does an act of kindness in helping another Jew, he is not only giving of himself, but he may be receiving much more than he is giving. A person needs to understand that giving is what leads one to a sense of contentment and satisfaction. A selfish person that never gives of himself, will never find happiness. All of his worldly possessions will not help in his pursuit of joy. This is the idea that is learned from the appeal for the Mishkan. One takes with him the Mitzva of contributing, which is very likely greater than the gift itself.