Two זכור’s

This coming Shabbat is פרשת זכור, where we fulfill the commandment of remembering Amalek. Of the four special Parshiot, this is the only one that carries with it a Torah obligation to hear this reading. If one cannot be in Shule on Shabbat, he can still make it up by hearing the Torah reading on Purim day. The Netivot Shalom quotes a Pasuk from Kohelet that says, זה לעומת זה עשה אלוקים, “This as opposed to this, has Hashem done.” This refers to the opposite extremes of this coming Shabbat Zachor. Both regarding Shabbat and Amalek, the Torah uses the word, “זכור” to remember Shabbat to keep it holy, and remember Amalek, for what they did to you. They tried to remove the holiness that you possess. Therefore, Shabbat Zachor is a clash between קדושה and טומאה. We are to be aware that Shabbat is essential that it be observed properly. Shabbat is the anchor that gives us the strength to fight against the impurities of the world as is manifest in Amalek.


היסח הדעת


Preparing for Shabbat