היסח הדעת
Shavua Tov. Today’s Parsha dealt with the בגדי כהונה, the special garments worn by the Kohanim. Four garments were worn by the כהן הדיוט, the regular Kohein, and a total of eight garments for the כהן גדול. One of the special garments of the Kohein Gadol, was the ציץ, or headband on the forehead of the high priest. It was very special because it had Hashem’s holy name on it. The Torah says, והיה על מתחו תמיד, that it should be on the forehead all the time. The obvious meaning is that it shall be on his forehead. Why the word, “ תמיד”? We learn from the case of the ציץ, the concept of היסח הדעת, removing our awareness of this special Mitzva. The כהן גדול had to be constantly aware that the ציץ was on his forehead. We apply this principle to the Mitzva of תפילין. We are similarly expected not to have היסח הדעת while wearing תפילין. This rule of היסח הדעת is learned from the ציץ. We must not lose our concentration while performing important Mitzvot.