אורים ותומים

The most fascinating of the garments worn by the כהן גדול, was the חושן משפט, or breastplate. On it, were the אורים ותומים, that acted in a magical way. The Yerushalmi explains that the אורים gave light to Israel. And the תומים, were navigators that showed Israel the path they were to take. This is explained further by saying that only when the Jewish people were תמים, complete, would they be given the proper direction. The תורה תמימה clarifies this statement by saying that only when ישראל were תמימים in their Derech and in their Midot, would they merit receiving a clear answer from the אורים ותומים. We see, for example, that King Shaul consulted them at the end of his life, and he received no answer. Perhaps this is a lesson that in order for any endeavor to bear fruits, it comes only when we act in a genuine way with good Midot.


Mitzvot of Purim


Taanit Esther