Mitzvot of Purim

It is probably a good idea to review the basic laws of Purim that we need to observe. מחצית השקל We fulfill this Mitzva with three half shekels, minimally. It is preferred to give around thirty shekels to do the Mitzva in the best way. קריאת מגילה The Megillah needs to be heard twice for both men and women. It can be heard all night to fulfill night obligation, and all day for the daytime obligation. מתנות לאביונים A small amount of money should be distributed to at least two poor people on Purim day. משלוח מנות At least two ready to eat foods requiring different Brachot, should be given to at least one friend. סעודת פורים The meal should begin before sundown on Purim day. It should ideally include wine and meat. The על הניסים prayer is said even if the סעודה ends after dark. Purim Sameach to all, and stay calm!


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