Mordechai’s Strategy

The story of Purim as told in the Megillah gives a realistic look at the obstacles presented to a Jewish leader. Clearly, Mordechai was the hero of the Purim story, but he did not have a 100% approval rating. The Gemara in מסכת מגילה comments on the last Pasuk of the Megillah. We are told how Mordechai became the second to the king, spoke well of his people, and was רצוי לרוב אחיו, accepted by MOST of his brothers. The comment of the Gemara was, רוב אחיו ולא כל אחיו, most of his brothers, but not all of his brothers. We are shown that many Jews were not in agreement with Mordechai’s provocative tactics. He made waves and loudly challenged the villain, Haman. Their feeling was to take a low profile and work behind the scenes in a more discreet manner. Even when it was proven that Mordechai was right and there was a happy ending, he was still second guessed by many Jews. It is certainly a difficult task to be a leader of the Jewish people.


Reason for Golden Calf


Mitzvot of Purim