Seven Sins of Quarantine

There is a Gemara in מסכת ערכין on 15a that lists those sinners who need to go into quarantine, due to the gravity of their sins. Generally, we assume that the Torah speaks of separating individuals who have contracted various types of impurity. For example, coming in contact with the dead, is a type of quarantined טומאה. The same applies to a נידה or זב, whose medical conditions force them to remain separated until they are cured. The third category of צרעת, known as leprosy, is connected to one’s bad behavior. Such a person’s quarantine could last for an indefinite period, as it is dependent on repentance, that will cause the physical manifestation to disappear. The Gemara in ערכין says that in addition to the one who habitually speaks לשון הרע, there are six other sins that caused צרעת and quarantine. Murder, a false oath, promiscuous behavior, acting in a brazen manner (גסות הרוח), theft, and צרות עין, not being happy with other people’s success, are all connected with צרעת and quarantine. Perhaps this is something to consider during this world wide quarantine and evaluate if these sins listed might be relevant for worldwide Teshuva. The Gemara has all the answers to every situation.


Haggaddah on Shabbat Hagadol


Shabbat Hagadol