Haggaddah on Shabbat Hagadol
This coming Shabbat is שבת הגדול. It is customary on this Shabbat to hear a motivating talk by the leading rabbi of the community. He is meant to speak about certain Halachic matters as well as uplifting matters of holiness. A second custom is to familiarize ourselves with the Haggaddah on Shabbat afternoon. Since the Seder has only two Torah commandment, eating Matza and telling the Pesach story, reading a section of the Hagaddah, helps us with this latter Mitzva. The section we are told to read is actually the main section of מגיד, telling the Pesach story. We begin with עבדים היינו that follows מה נשתנה. And we continue reading until the words, לכפר על עוונותינו, which follows the famous דיינו. Although we will not be hearing the שבת הגדול דרשה this year, because of the lockdown, we can use Shabbat afternoon to make proper preparations for the Seder.