קרבן שלמים
A further discussion of the קרבנות points to the sacrifice that is most beloved in the eyes of Hashem. This is the קרבן של שלמים, that is known as a Peace Offering. It is called a Peace Offering as it brings peace between Hashem and the one offering it. The sacrifice also brings peace between the מזבח, the כהנים, and ישראל. The owners of the קרבן are also able to partake of it as well. It is the most חביב, beloved, of all sacrifices, because of Shalom. The words, ריח ניחוח לה׳, that it is a sweet fragrance to Hashem, is said in reference to the שלמים. And what is most unique about this sacrifice, is that it is brought voluntarily. It is a spontaneous expression of gratitude to Hashem for all of the Chessed and kindness that He does for us. On Shabbat we say the chapter from Psalms, that says, טוב להודות לה׳, that it is good to give thanks to Hashem. This is the meaning behind the קרבן שלמים.