Home on Pesach
It is fascinating that this year we are fulfilling the same command that the Jews in Egypt received, regarding Pesach night. The Torah says in שמות 12:22: “And as for you, no man shall leave the entrance of his house until morning.” And the next Pasuk continues, “And Hashem will pass over the entrance and He will not permit the destroyer to enter your homes to smite.” Something very big is going on in the world this Pesach. We have to believe that this will bode well for the Jewish people. If we were in the month of Av, there could be reason for concern. But this is Nissan, the month of redemption. It is important to maintain a sense of optimism. The Rabbis say, בניסן נגאלו ובניסן עתידים להיגאל, that we were redeemed in Nissan and we will be redeemed in Nissan in the future. Tomorrow is the Fast of the First Born. Usually, the fast is avoided by attending a Siyum. This can be fulfilled by connecting with a Zoom Siyum. It is important to emphasize that one must eat a כזית, olive sized amount of מזונות, in addition to participating in the Siyum. May this year be a Pesach of salvation and redemption for all of כלל ישראל.