
Moadim Lesimcha. After having experienced an unusual but meaningful Seder night, there seems to be one major theme this year. The word to be emphasized this year is ״ונצעק״, “and they cried out.” Among the various messages, jokes, and Divrei Torah, I was impressed by a Dvar Torah sent in Yiddish. The rabbi was discussing the power that comes from ונצעק. He told various stories about people in hopeless situations, and how they saw great salvation from sincerely crying out to Hashem with all their hearts. This was an important reminder that we must never feel a sense of hopelessness and that Hashem hears our prayers. Just as the Jews in Egypt who did not have merits, as they were influenced by the decadent society, and yet, Hashem heard their, ונצעק. So, too, if we reach out in sincerity, our prayers will be answered.


שיר השירים


ליל שמרים