שיר השירים

Shavua Tov. We read שיר השירים today. The reason for reading it on שבת חול המועד, is that there are hints to Israel’s future redemption. This book was problematic when it was considered to be included as part of the Tanach. Some saw it as a simple love story between two lovers. It was Rabbi Akiva who said that if all of the other twenty-three books of the Tanach were holy, שיר השירים was holy of holies. The other sages accepted Rabbi Akiva’s view. There is actually a plot to this book, according to some opinions. Our two lovers believe that their love for one another is the one true love. Others mock them for their claim, and force them to be separated from one another. During this separation, they write love letters to one another, and believe that the day will come when they will again be reunited. The reference here is to the special relationship between Hashem and the Jewish people. The separation refers to the exile. The love letters refer to prayer and Torah study. And the reuniting of the two lovers refers to the redemption when all of the world will acknowledge that Hashem and His Torah are true. This is why we read שיר השערים on Pesach.


Passover in the Temple

