Hashem’s Ways

Moadim Lesimcha. There is a fascinating story told of the Kotzker Rebbe. When he was asked why Hashem did this or that, he answered in his own blunt fashion: “ A G-d of whom any stinking human can understand, is not worth worshipping.” The Kotzker is showing how we are not meant to understand the depth of Hashem’s ways. If things were so easily understandable by any simple Jew, it would detract from Hashem’s ultimate greatness. We are not meant to truly comprehend Hashem’s ways. We are to be satisfied with getting a slight glimpse. A similar story is told of a great rabbi whose grandson came crying to him. The boy told his grandfather that he was playing hide and seek, and nobody bothered to look for him. The wise grandfather said that Hashem feels the same way. He hides and waits for His children to look for Him. He, too, is saddened when they forget about Him.


First of Nissan


שביעי של פסח