First of Nissan

This Shabbat we read פרשת שמיני. The word, “שמיני”, refers to the first day of the month of Nissan. It was the eighth day of training for the operating of the Mishkan. Moshe Rabbeinu, for seven days, acted as High Priest, in making sure how Temple service was meant to be practiced. On the first of Nissan, the Mishkan was dedicated and its operation was handed over to Aharon and his sons. This date was an important one in Jewish history. Officially, we became a nation on this day, and this was like a Rosh Hashanah for the Jewish people. Nissan was considered the first month of the Jewish calendar. In מסכת ראש השנה, there is an argument between Rabbi Eliezer who said that the world was created on the first of Tishrei, and Rabbi Yehoshua, who said that the world was created on the first of Nissan. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev said that there was really no argument. The first of Tishrei represented the actual date of creation. And the first of Nissan represented the “purpose” of creation. On the first of Nissan, the world came into fulfillment with the creation of the Jewish nation. Although today is the twenty second day of Nissan, our Parsha teaches the significance of the first of Nissan. And, by the way, שמיני is often read before Pesach.


Nadav and Avihu


Hashem’s Ways