Preparing for Entering the Holy of Holies

This week we have another double Parsha of Acharei Mot-Kedoshim. The first Parsha deals with the Temple service on Yom Kippur. The question asked by the Netivot Shalom is why the death of Nadav and Avihu begins the Parsha. We already dealt with this tragedy in פרשת שמיני. He answers that the entrance to the Holy of Holies by the Kohein Hagadol had to be perfect with no flaws. The fate of the Jewish nation was at stake on that day. The success of the mission of the High Priest, would bring atonement, forgiveness, and hope for the people. Therefore, they needed to be reminded of potential pitfalls and obstacles to the success of the mission. By carefully examining what went wrong with נדב ואביהו, it would allow for the correct mindset and preparation for entering the Holy of Holies. This would serve to help guarantee that the Kohein Gadol’s prayers would be answered.


With a Little Help from His Friends


Yom Ha’atzmaut