With a Little Help from His Friends

Shavua Tov. The Netivot Shalom gives a novel explanation of the Kohein Gadol and the secret to his being successful in his mission. It was definitely not a one man show , but he depended on “a little help from his friends.” He depended on the prayers of the other Kohanim and the others in the עזרה, the area outside of the Heichal, main Temple building. The word, “Azara” could also be learned as “Eizer”, meaning, helpers. The Netivot Shalom goes on to explain that when the Kohein Hagadol would enter the Holy of Holies, he hoped to see a white light. If he saw a reddish light, he would give a signal to those outside, that they needed to pray a little harder. When they did, the red light turned white. In addition, we are told that the Kohein Gadol made a party for אהביו, those who loved him. These אהביו, were the ones who helped make him successful in his mission.


Egypt and Canaan


Preparing for Entering the Holy of Holies