Egypt and Canaan

The two Parshiot of אחרי מות-קדושים, are known as discussing the עריות, forbidden sexual relations. The first Parsha discusses the warnings for such relationships, and the second Parsha lists the punishment. On Yom Kippur at Mincha, we read the section on עריות from אחרי מות. The section is prefaced with a warning not to follow the practices of Egypt from where you are leaving, nor should you follow the practices of Canaan, to where you are going. If we look closely at the various prohibitions, we also see that we must not offer our sons to Molech, which was a form of עבודה זרה. The connection between Egypt and Canaan, is that Egypt was known for its sexual decadence, and Canaan known for its idol worship. These were two areas, idolatry and sexual misconduct were potentially the most damaging to the Jewish nation. They were the primary obstacle to our national goal of achieving holiness. And it is a further warning not to be influenced by those around us who do not see serving Hashem as their first priority.


Remaining Separate and Distinct


With a Little Help from His Friends