
We have now completed nearly three of the five books of the Torah. Our primary commentator this year has been Netivot Shalom. It seems that wherever possible, the Netivot Shalom inserts the holiness of Shabbat in numerous commentaries. Apparently, it was felt that sincere observance of Shabbat, leads to all kinds of great things to the individual and the Jewish nation. In פרשת אמור, there is a long section related to the מועדות, festivals. The surprising aspect of this section, is that the first of the festivals is Shabbat! Shabbat is a pillar of the Jewish people. Everything centers around Shabbat. Each week we are rejuvenated spiritually, as we spend one day refraining from our daily activities. Instead, we focus on family, prayer, and Torah. The festivals are centered around Shabbat. There are thirty-nine מלאכות that we are forbidden to do on Shabbat. Yom Tov also has the same prohibitions of מלאכה as Shabbat. There are a few exceptions because of our being allowed to cook on Yom Tov. The Netivot Shalom certainly realized the importance of Shabbat observance. This knowledge should motivate us to give this special day more emphasis, so that we fully reap its benefits.


Lag B’Omer


Judaism’s Varied Demands