Lag B’Omer

Lag B’Omer represents a day of a great deal of hope. It is most appropriate today as we are dealing with this Corona Pandemic. At the time of רבי עקיבא, the epidemic of his 24,000 students dying, ended on Lag B’Omer. It symbolized a new beginning and an end to death and sadness, replaced by hope and an optimistic future. When we add to the equation, the influence of רבי שמעון בר יוחאי, Lag B’Omer indicates a new phase for the Jewish people. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai was in lockdown for twelve years with his son, Rabbi Elazar, as they hid from the Romans. They did not pray in a Shule, and their isolation allowed רבי שמעון to reveal the deep secrets of the Torah as he wrote the Zohar. Even though Lag B’Omer is not being celebrated as usual, its message rings loud and clear!


Magic of Shabbat

