We had previously explained that the הכרת תכרת, he shall surely be cut off from the Jewish people, applied to the one who cursed Hashem. The Gemara in Sanhedrin says that the words of the Torah were, כי דבר ה׳ בזה, that he despised the word of Hashem. This refers to the אפיקורוס, the one who mocks the Torah. The Gemara goes on to explain that such a person does not accept that the Torah is from Heaven. This could even refer to one who accepts the Torah, but even says that one word is not from Heaven is an אפיקורוס. Rabbi Meir includes one who studies Torah and does not teach, as being in this category. And רבי נהוראי even includes one who is able to study Torah, and chooses not to. We learn from here how we must cherish our Torah and completely accept its Divine nature down to the last letter.