Seven Positive Thoughts

The ארחות צדיקים has a very long chapter on שמחה, and being in a state of joy. The book lists seven מחשבות, thoughts, that if we remind ourselves of them, it will put us in a happier frame of mind.
1. We must remember that Hashem is the ultimate מרחם, Merciful One. It is not possible for there to be any other being in this world, more merciful than Him.
2. All gifts that we receive in this world are from G-d; even if they come by way of relatives or friends. They are only acting as G-d’s messengers.
3. Everything we have in this world is a gift from Hashem. Nothing is deserved.
4. We cannot change what is predestined. We must do our part, but it is Hashem that determines what we will receive or not receive.
5. G-d knows man’s thoughts. If we are sincere, He sees and appreciates our good intentions, even if others don’t.
6. In order to expect Hashem to fulfill our will, we must fulfill His will by observing the Mitzvot.
7. We are meant to work hard in this world. Nothing of value comes without a struggle and hard work.
These are seven very important thoughts that we need to give regular, serious consideration.


Korach and Soros

