Tough Being a Leader

We learn from the incident of Korach, how difficult it is to be a public figure. Anyone in a position of power, is open to a great deal of scrutiny. His every move is examined with a fine tooth comb. We see this to hold true for two of our greatest leaders, Moshe Rabbeinu and Shmuel Hanavi. Both made statements that everything that they did, was above board. They did not use their position for personal gain in any way. This is why it’s written in Pirkei Avot, אהוב את המלאכה ושנא את הרבנות, love the work, but hate the leadership. Aside from having to deal with detractors, who are constantly looking to find flaws, the leader has to work extra hard to remain humble. He must not let his power get to his head. And on top of all of that, the Jewish people are a tough, stiff necked nation. We must tip our Kippas to our truly, great leaders.


Lessons of פרה אדומה


תרומה ושליחות