Lessons of פרה אדומה
There are many lessons to be learned from the פרה האדומה, the Red Heifer. We are well aware of it being the most difficult law of the Torah to understand, but much can be learned from this law. The Red Heifer purifies from the highest level of טומאה-coming in contact with the dead. When one is in a state of impurity, he becomes separated from his דבקות, closeness, to Hashem. The Netivot Shalom says that the 613 Mitzvot, are actually 613 עצות, pieces of advice, as to how a person can achieve this דבקות. Therefore, not only does טומאה distance a person from Hashem, but עבירות, sins, also create such distance. Another lesson learned from פרה אדומה, is how one must strive to acquire Torah with great diligence. There is a well known play of words when it’s written, זאת התורה, אדם כי ימות באהל, “this is the Torah regarding one who dies in a tent.” From this we also learn that this is the essence of Torah. When one dies for Torah by pushing himself to study in trying circumstances, he will be able to see its fruit. A final lesson is that death represents an end to our ability to accumulate Mitzvot. We must use our time on this earth wisely, so that we will merit the rewards that await us in the next world. פרה אדומה is, indeed, a very special Mitzva.