Moshe’s Hitting the Rock

The episode of Moshe Rabbeinu hitting the rock is very puzzling. The Netivot Shalom has a different take from the traditional view of Moshe’s sin. There is a quote from חז״ל that says regarding Tzaddikim, אין הקדוש ברוך הוא מביא תקלה על ידם, that Hashem will not bring misfortune to the Tzaddik, as they are protected. For this reason, the Netivot Shalom is of the opinion that Hashem never intended that Moshe enter Eretz Yisrael. Had Moshe built the Beit Hamikdash, it would never have been able to be destroyed. Knowing that the Jewish people would ultimately sin, their punishment would have been much more severe. It was actually Hashem’s mercy that He took out His wrath on a building of wood and stones, instead of on His people. So it looks like the hitting of the rock was part of Hashem’s ultimate plan to protect עם ישראל. It is interesting how there are so many ways to interpret the Torah.


Complaining for Nothing


Attach to Holiness